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(fully or clearly)

  • 1 should clearly and fully indicate

    sollte klar und vollständig angeben

    First banking dictionary > should clearly and fully indicate

  • 2 state

    1. noun
    1) (condition) Zustand, der

    state of the economy — Wirtschaftslage, die

    the state of play (Sport) der Spielstand

    the state of play in the negotiations/debate — (fig.) der [gegenwärtige] Stand der Verhandlungen/Debatte

    the state of things in generaldie allgemeine Lage

    a state of war existses herrscht Kriegszustand

    be in a state of excitement/sadness/anxiety — aufgeregt/traurig/ängstlich sein

    2) (mess)
    3) (anxiety)

    be in a state(be in a panic) aufgeregt sein; (be excited) ganz aus dem Häuschen sein (ugs.)

    get into a state(coll.) Zustände kriegen (ugs.)

    don't get into a state!reg dich nicht auf! (ugs.)

    4) (nation) Staat, der

    [affairs] of State — Staats[geschäfte]

    5) (federal state) (of Germany, Austria) Land, das; (of America) Staat, der

    the [United] States — sing. die [Vereinigten] Staaten


    State(civil government) Staat, der

    7) (pomp) Prunk, der

    in statein vollem Staat

    2. attributive adjective
    1) (of nation or federal state) staatlich; Staats[bank, -sicherheit, -geheimnis, -dienst]
    2) (ceremonial) Staats-
    3. transitive verb
    1) (express) erklären; (fully or clearly) darlegen; äußern [Meinung]; angeben [Alter usw.]

    ‘please state full particulars’ — "bitte genaue Angaben machen"

    2) (specify) festlegen
    * * *
    I [steit] noun
    1) (the condition in which a thing or person is: the bad state of the roads; The room was in an untidy state; He inquired about her state of health; What a state you're in!; He was not in a fit state to take the class.) der Zustand
    2) (a country considered as a political community, or, as in the United States, one division of a federation: The Prime Minister visits the Queen once a week to discuss affairs of state; The care of the sick and elderly is considered partly the responsibility of the state; ( also adjective) The railways are under state control; state-controlled / owned industries.) der Staat, Staats-...
    3) (ceremonial dignity and splendour: The Queen, wearing her robes of state, drove in a horse-drawn coach to Westminster; ( also adjective) state occasions/banquets.) der Staat, Staats-...
    - academic.ru/70394/stately">stately
    - stateliness
    - statesman
    - statesmanlike
    - statesmanship
    - get into a state
    - lie in state
    II [steit] verb
    (to say or announce clearly, carefully and definitely: You have not yet stated your intentions.) erklären
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (existing condition) Zustand m
    they complained about the untidy \state that the house had been left in sie beschwerten sich über die Unordnung, in der das Haus zurückgelassen worden war
    the car was in a good \state of repair das Auto war in gutem Zustand
    a sorry \state of affairs traurige Zustände
    \state of liquidity FIN Liquiditätslage f
    \state of the market COMM Marktverfassung
    \state of siege/war Belagerungs-/Kriegszustand m
    economic \state wirtschaftliche Lage
    original \state ursprünglicher Zustand
    2. (physical condition) körperliche [o physische] Verfassung
    in a \state of dormancy im Schlafzustand
    \state of exhaustion/fatigue Erschöpfungs-/Ermüdungszustand m
    to be in a poor/good \state of health in einem schlechten/guten Gesundheitszustand sein
    her mother is in a poor \state of health ihrer Mutter geht es nicht gut
    \state of intoxication Vergiftung f
    \state of rest Ruhezustand m
    3. PSYCH (frame of mind) Gemütszustand m
    we were worried by his depressed \state of mind seine niedergeschlagene Stimmung machte uns Sorgen
    she has been in a \state of euphoria ever since hearing the news sie ist ganz euphorisch, seit sie die Neuigkeit erfahren hat
    conscious \state [volles] Bewusstsein
    semi-conscious \state Dämmerzustand m
    unconscious \state Bewusstlosigkeit f
    to [not] be in a fit \state to do sth [nicht] in der Lage sein, etw zu tun
    to be in a \state mit den Nerven fertig sein fam
    to get in[to] a \state [about sth] [wegen einer S. gen] durchdrehen
    5. SCI
    \state equation PHYS Zustandsgleichung f
    solid/liquid/gaseous \state CHEM fester/flüssiger/gasförmiger Zustand
    \state of matrimony Stand m der Ehe
    married \state Ehestand m
    how do you enjoy the married \state? wie bekommt dir die Ehe?
    single \state Leben nt als Single
    7. REL
    \state of grace Stand m der Gnade
    8. (nation) Staat m
    one-party/member \state Einparteien-/Mitgliedsstaat m
    9. (in USA) [Bundes]staat m; (in Germany) Land nt
    the S\states pl ( fam: the United States of America) die Staaten pl fam
    10. (civil government) Staat m, Regierung f
    affairs [or matters] of \state Staatsangelegenheiten pl, Staatsgeschäfte pl
    office of \state Staatsamt nt
    the separation of Church and S\state die Trennung von Kirche und Staat
    11. (dignified rank) Würde f, Rang m
    the Queen rode in \state to open Parliament die Königin ritt in vollem Staat zur Parlamentseröffnung
    the pomp befitting a queen's \state die einer Königin angemessene Pracht
    to lie in \state aufgebahrt sein
    II. adj attr, inv
    1. (pertaining to a nation) staatlich, Staats-
    \state monopoly Staatsmonopol nt, staatliches Monopol
    \state ownership Staatseigentum nt, staatliches Eigentum
    \state religion Staatsreligion f
    2. (pertaining to unit)
    the \state capital of Texas die Hauptstadt von Texas
    \state forest/park von einem US-Bundesstaat finanzierter Wald/Park
    \state document Regierungsdokument nt, amtliches Schriftstück
    \state enrolled/registered nurse BRIT staatlich zugelassene/geprüfte [o examinierte] Krankenschwester
    \state records Regierungsunterlagen pl
    \state secret ( also fig) Staatsgeheimnis nt
    \state subsidy [staatliche] Subvention
    \state support staatliche Unterstützung
    4. (showing ceremony) Staats-
    \state banquet Staatsbankett nt
    \state funeral Staatsbegräbnis nt
    the S\state Opening of Parliament die offizielle Eröffnung des Parlaments
    \state visit Staatsbesuch m
    III. vt
    to \state sth etw aussprechen [o äußern]
    the problem can be \stated in one sentence man kann das Problem in einen Satz fassen
    to \state one's case seine Sache vortragen
    to \state one's objections seine Einwände vorbringen
    to \state one's opinion seine Meinung sagen
    to \state the source die Quelle angeben
    to \state sth clearly/emphatically etw deutlich/mit Nachdruck sagen
    to \state the obvious [or a commonplace] eine Binsenweisheit von sich dat geben
    to \state that... erklären, dass...
    to \state formally that... offiziell bekanntgeben, dass...
    to \state why/what/how... darlegen, warum/was/wie...
    2. (specify, fix)
    to \state sth etw nennen [o angeben]
    to \state conditions [or terms] Bedingungen nennen
    to \state demands Forderungen stellen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= condition) Zustand m

    state of health/mind/war/siege — Gesundheits-/Geistes-/Kriegs-/Belagerungszustand m

    married/single state — Ehe-/Ledigenstand m

    to be in a state of weightlessnesssich im Zustand der Schwerelosigkeit befinden

    in a liquid/solid state —

    where animals live in their natural statewo Tiere im Naturzustand leben

    in a good/bad state — in gutem/schlechtem Zustand

    he's in no (fit) state to do thater ist auf gar keinen Fall in der Verfassung, das zu tun

    2) (inf

    = anxiety) to get into a state (about sth) (inf)wegen etw durchdrehen (inf)

    3) (= rank) Stand m, Rang m
    4) (= pomp) Aufwand m, Pomp m
    5) (POL) Staat m; (= federal state) (Bundes)staat m; (in Germany, Austria) (Bundes)land nt
    2. vt
    darlegen, vortragen; name, price, amount nennen, angeben; preference, purpose angeben; opposition, intention anmelden

    to state that... — feststellen or erklären, dass...

    it must be clearly stated in the records... — es muss aus den Akten einwandfrei hervorgehen,...

    as stated in my letter I... — wie in meinem Brief erwähnt,... ich...

    * * *
    state [steıt]
    1. oft State POL Staat m: affair 2
    2. POL US (Bundes-, Einzel)Staat m:
    state law Rechtsordnung f des Einzelstaates;
    state’s attorney US Staatsanwalt m, -anwältin f; evidence A 2 c
    3. the States umg die Staaten (die USA)
    4. Zustand m:
    state of consciousness Bewusstseinszustand;
    state of inertia PHYS Beharrungszustand;
    (low) general state (schlechter) Allgemeinzustand;
    in a state umg in miserablem Zustand ( A 5 b);
    in a state of nature im Naturzustand;
    they are still in a state of nature sie laufen noch so herum, wie Gott sie geschaffen hat;
    state of the Union message US (jährlicher) Rechenschaftsbericht (des Präsidenten) an die Nation;
    state of war MIL Kriegszustand;
    be in a state of war with sich im Kriegszustand befinden mit; emergency A, equilibrium, health 2, repair1 B 5, siege A 1
    5. a) auch state of mind, emotional state (Geistes-, Gemüts)Zustand m, (-)Verfassung f
    b) umg Erregung f:
    in (quite) a state ganz aus dem Häuschen ( over wegen)( A 4);
    get into a state wahnsinnig nervös werden;
    don’t get into a state nur keine Aufregung!
    6. Stand m, Lage f:
    state of the art neuester Stand der Wissenschaft oder Technik;
    state of convergence EU: Konvergenzlage f, -stand m (bei Vereinheitlichung von Gesetzen mehrerer Staaten etc);
    state of the economy wirtschaftliche Gesamtlage;
    state of facts JUR Tatbestand m;
    state of grace REL Stand der Gnade; affair 2
    7. (Personen-, Familien)Stand m; married A 1
    8. PHIL Sein n, Dasein n:
    the future state das zukünftige Leben;
    state of being Seinsweise f
    9. MED, ZOOL etc Stadium n
    10. (gesellschaftliche) Stellung, Stand m:
    in a style befitting one’s state standesgemäß
    11. Pracht f, Staat m:
    in state mit großem Zeremoniell oder Pomp;
    lie in state aufgebahrt sein;
    live in state großen Aufwand treiben
    12. pl POL, HIST (Land)Stände pl
    14. a) Erhaltungszustand m (eines Buches etc)
    b) Teilausgabe f
    15. Kupferstecherei: (Zustands-, Ab)Druck m:
    a first state ein Erstdruck
    16. MIL Stärkemeldung f
    B adj
    1. staatlich, Staats…:
    state aid staatliche Unterstützung oder Beihilfe;
    state-aided staatlich unterstützt;
    state apparatus Staatsapparat m;
    state attorney US Staatsanwalt m, -anwältin f;
    state bank WIRTSCH US unter der Aufsicht eines Bundesstaates stehende Bank;
    state banquet Staatsbankett n;
    state bond WIRTSCH Staatspapier n, -anleihe f;
    state capitalism Staatskapitalismus m;
    state-controlled unter staatlicher Aufsicht;
    state court US einzelstaatliches Gericht;
    State Department POL US State Department n, Außenministerium n;
    state funeral Staatsbegräbnis n;
    state mourning Staatstrauer f;
    state prayers (anglikanische Kirche) Gebete für das Königshaus, die Geistlichkeit und das Parlament;
    state-owned staatseigen, staatlich, Staats…;
    be state-owned in Staatsbesitz sein;
    state prison US Strafanstalt eines Bundesstaates für längere Freiheitsstrafen;
    state property Staatseigentum n;
    state religion Staatsreligion f;
    state secret Staatsgeheimnis n;
    state-subsidized staatlich subventioniert;
    state visit Staatsbesuch m
    2. Staats…, Prunk…:
    state apartment Prunkgemach n, -zimmer n;
    state bed Parade-, Prunkbett n;
    state carriage Staatskarosse f;
    state occasion besonderer oder feierlicher Anlass;
    state robe Amtsrobe f
    C v/t
    1. festsetzen, -legen: stated 1
    2. erklären:
    a) seine Ansichten etc darlegen
    b) JUR einen Grund, eine Klage etc vorbringen: case1 A 6
    3. Tatsachen etc anführen:
    state in one’s defence that … zu seiner Verteidigung anführen, dass …;
    state the reason why … erklären oder den Grund angeben, weshalb …
    4. erwähnen, bemerken
    5. feststellen, konstatieren
    6. ein Problem etc stellen
    7. MATH (mathematisch) ausdrücken
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (condition) Zustand, der

    state of the economy — Wirtschaftslage, die

    the state of play (Sport) der Spielstand

    the state of play in the negotiations/debate — (fig.) der [gegenwärtige] Stand der Verhandlungen/Debatte

    be in a state of excitement/sadness/anxiety — aufgeregt/traurig/ängstlich sein

    be in a state (be in a panic) aufgeregt sein; (be excited) ganz aus dem Häuschen sein (ugs.)

    get into a state(coll.) Zustände kriegen (ugs.)

    4) (nation) Staat, der

    [affairs] of State — Staats[geschäfte]

    5) (federal state) (of Germany, Austria) Land, das; (of America) Staat, der

    the [United] States — sing. die [Vereinigten] Staaten


    State (civil government) Staat, der

    7) (pomp) Prunk, der
    2. attributive adjective
    1) (of nation or federal state) staatlich; Staats[bank, -sicherheit, -geheimnis, -dienst]
    2) (ceremonial) Staats-
    3. transitive verb
    1) (express) erklären; (fully or clearly) darlegen; äußern [Meinung]; angeben [Alter usw.]

    ‘please state full particulars’ — "bitte genaue Angaben machen"

    2) (specify) festlegen
    * * *
    Rang ¨-e m.
    Staat -en m.
    Stand ¨-e m.
    Status -se m.
    Zustand -¨e m. v.
    darlegen v.
    erklären v.
    festlegen v.
    festsetzen v.
    konstatieren v.

    English-german dictionary > state

  • 3 deutlich

    I Adj.
    1. Ahnung, Erinnerung, Gefühl etc.: clear, distinct; Fortschritt, Unterschied: auch marked; (merklich) noticeable
    2. Aussprache: clear, intelligible; Schrift: legible
    3. (eindeutig) clear, plain; Antwort, Worte: plain; (unverblümt) blunt, plainspoken; ein deutlicher Beweis seiner Unschuld clear proof of his innocence; deutlicher Wink broad hint; etw. deutlich machen make s.th. clear ( oder plain) (+ Dat to); jemandem etw. deutlich machen auch explain s.th. to s.o.; weitS.: drive s.th. home to s.o.; sehr deutlich werden not pull any punches, talk straight with s.o. umg.; muss ich noch deutlicher werden? am I making myself understood?, have I not made myself clear enough?; eine deutliche Sprache sprechen Person: not mince matters ( oder one’s words); Sache: speak volumes
    II Adv. siehe I; deutlich besser etc. much better etc.; um es ganz deutlich zu sagen to put it quite bluntly, not to put too fine a point on it; habe ich mich deutlich genug ausgedrückt? have I made myself understood ( oder clear)?
    * * *
    notedly (Adv.); perspicuous (Adj.); lucid (Adj.); visible (Adj.); explicit (Adj.); well-defined (Adj.); conspicuous (Adj.); emphatic (Adj.); articulate (Adj.); direct (Adj.); clear (Adj.); distinct (Adj.); plain (Adj.)
    * * *
    deut|lich ['dɔytlɪç]
    1. adj
    1) (= klar) clear
    2) (= unmissverständlich) clear, plain

    eine déútliche Sprache mit jdm reden — to speak plainly or bluntly with sb

    déútlich werden — to make oneself clear or plain

    muss ich déútlicher werden? — have I not made myself clear or plain enough?

    2. adv
    1) (= klar) sehen, unterscheiden, sprechen clearly; erkennbar, hörbar, wahrnehmbar clearly, plainly

    déútlich zu erkennen/sehen/hören — easy to recognize/see/hear

    déútlich fühlen — to feel distinctly

    ich fühle déútlich, dass... — I have the distinct feeling that...

    2) (= unmissverständlich) sich ausdrücken, sagen explicitly

    jdm etw déútlich vor Augen führen — to make sth perfectly clear or plain to sb

    sich déútlich ausdrücken — to make oneself clear or plain

    ich muss es einmal déútlich sagen — let me make myself perfectly clear

    jdm déútlich zu verstehen geben, dass... — to make it clear or plain to sb that...

    * * *
    1) (striking and well-marked: a dress with bold stripes.) bold
    2) (easy to see, hear or understand: a clear explanation; The details on that photograph are very clear.) clear
    4) (easily seen, heard or noticed: There are distinct differences between the two; Her voice is very distinct.) distinct
    6) (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) explicit
    7) (noticeably: It's markedly easier to do it by this method.) markedly
    8) (clear; striking: I have many vivid memories of that holiday; a vivid image/description.) vivid
    9) (noticeable; definite: He walks with a pronounced limp.) pronounced
    10) ((of pictures, outlines etc) clear and distinct: the sharp outline of the mountain.) sharp
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (klar) clear
    [un]\deutliche Schrift [il]legible writing
    \deutliche Umrisse distinct [or clear] [or sharp] outlines
    [jdm] \deutlich werden to become clear [to sb]
    2. (eindeutig) clear
    das war \deutlich! that was clear [or plain] enough!
    \deutlich werden to make oneself clear [or plain], to use words of one syllable a. iron
    muss ich \deutlicher werden? have I not made myself clear [enough]?
    ich hoffe, ich muss nicht \deutlicher werden! I hope I won't have to spell it out
    II. adv
    1. (klar) clearly, plainly
    etw \deutlich fühlen to distinctly feel sth
    \deutlich sprechen to speak clearly [or distinctly]
    etw \deutlich zeichnen to draw sth in sharp detail/contrast
    2. (eindeutig) clearly, plainly
    sich akk \deutlich ausdrücken to make oneself clear [or plain]
    \deutlich fühlen, dass... to have the distinct feeling that...
    * * *

    daraus wird deutlich, dass/wie... — this makes it clear that/how...

    2) (eindeutig) clear, distinct <recollection, feeling>
    2) (eindeutig) clearly; plainly
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. Ahnung, Erinnerung, Gefühl etc: clear, distinct; Fortschritt, Unterschied: auch marked; (merklich) noticeable
    2. Aussprache: clear, intelligible; Schrift: legible
    3. (eindeutig) clear, plain; Antwort, Worte: plain; (unverblümt) blunt, plainspoken;
    ein deutlicher Beweis seiner Unschuld clear proof of his innocence;
    deutlicher Wink broad hint;
    etwas deutlich machen make sth clear ( oder plain) (+dat to);
    jemandem etwas deutlich machen auch explain sth to sb; weitS.: drive sth home to sb;
    sehr deutlich werden not pull any punches, talk straight with sb umg;
    muss ich noch deutlicher werden? am I making myself understood?, have I not made myself clear enough?;
    eine deutliche Sprache sprechen Person: not mince matters ( oder one’s words); Sache: speak volumes
    B. adv A;
    deutlich besser etc much better etc;
    um es ganz deutlich zu sagen to put it quite bluntly, not to put too fine a point on it;
    habe ich mich deutlich genug ausgedrückt? have I made myself understood ( oder clear)?
    * * *

    daraus wird deutlich, dass/wie... — this makes it clear that/how...

    2) (eindeutig) clear, distinct <recollection, feeling>
    2) (eindeutig) clearly; plainly
    * * *
    bold adj.
    broad adj.
    clarion adj.
    clear adj.
    clear cut (unambiguous) adj.
    conspicuous adj.
    distinct (from) adj.
    distinct adj.
    explicit adj.
    lucid adj.
    obvious adj.
    perspicuous adj. adv.
    articulately adv.
    conspicuously adv.
    lucidly adv.
    notedly adv.
    perspicuously adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > deutlich

  • 4 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) tydelig; klar; eksplicit
    - explicitness
    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) tydelig; klar; eksplicit
    - explicitness

    English-Danish dictionary > explicit

  • 5 show

    1. I
    1) a scar (a mark of a wound, etc.) shows шрам и т.д. виден /заметен/; а stain shows проступает пятно; does my slip show? у меня не выглядывает комбинация?; your straps are showing у тебя бретельки видны
    2) time will show время покажет
    2. II
    1) show in some manner the pattern shows plainly рисунок ясно виден /четко проступает/; show at some time buds are just showing почки только начинают появляться; the scar still shows шрам еще заметен
    3. III
    show smth.
    1) show one's new hat (one's books, one's designs, a specimen of his new work, etc.) показывать свою новую шляпу и т.д.; show a film показывать /демонстрировать/ фильм; show a cheap line of goods выставлять /демонстрировать/ дешевые товары; show one's wares разложить свои товары; show one's tickets (one's passport, one's licence, etc.) предъявлять билеты и т.д.; show the contents of your pockets покажи, что [там] у тебя в карманах; show one's legs (one's breast, one's arms, etc.) обнажать ноги и т.д.; that dress shows your underwear из-под этого платья у вас видно нижнее белье; show one's teeth оскалить зубы; show one's face /one's nose/ появляться, показываться
    2) show signs of intelligence (signs of use, no signs of wear, great improvement, more learning, a noble spirit, taste, a great deal of originality, unexpected daring, etc.) обнаруживать признаки ума и т.д.; he showed no signs of life он не проявлял признаков жизни; he showed no sign of having heard anything он и виду не подал, что что-то слышал; his cheeks showed two red patches на его щеках выступили два красных пятна; he shows his age по нему видно, что он немолод; his face showed his delight (his pleasure) его лицо выражало восторг (удовольствие); she showed neither joy nor anger она не проявляла ни радости, ни злости, по ней не было видно, радуется она или злится; try not to show any emotion постарайтесь не показывать никаких эмоций /не показывать виду, что вы волнуетесь/; show one's true character показывать свой истинный характер; show resemblance обнаруживать сходство, быть похожим; show (great) promise подавать (большие) надежды; show good judgement судить здраво, проявлять трезвый подход к вещам; show favour (courage, intelligence, etc.) проявлять благосклонность и т.д.; show one's hand /one's cards/ раскрыть свой карты
    3) show the existence of smth. (the impossibility of doing smth., the falsity of the tale, the absurdity of the explanation, etc.) показывать /доказывать/ существование чего-л. и т.д.; his edginess shows a lack of self-confidence его нервозность говорит о неуверенности в себе
    4) show time (the hour, speed, the way, a loss, a net profit of t 1000, etc.) показывать время и т.д.; the indicator shows a speed of 60 miles an hour счетчик /спидометр/ показывает скорость [в] шестьдесят миль в час
    5) a light carpet will show the dirt на светлом ковре будет видна /заметна/ грязь; the picture shows three figures на картине изображены три фигуры
    4. IV
    1) show smth. in some manner show smth. openly (reluctantly, occasionally, etc.) выставлять /показывать, демонстрировать/ что-л. открыто и т.д.; show smth. somewhere show smth. here and there выставлять /показывать/ что-л. повсюду; never show your face again here не смей здесь больше показываться, чтоб и носа твоего здесь не было
    2) show smth. in some manner show smth. clearly (obviously, distinctly, etc.) ясно и т.д. обнаруживать /проявлять/ что-л.
    3) show smth. in some manner show smth. conclusively (fully, unequivocally, clearly, partly, subsequently, etc.) убедительно и т.д. показывать /доказывать/ что-л.
    4) show smb. somewhere show smb. upstairs (downstairs, out) проводить кого-л. наверх (вниз, к выходу); show him in приведите его сюда
    5. V
    show smb. smth.
    1) show the teacher your hands (him your new hat, the children some interesting pictures, me what is inside, etc.) показать учителю руки и т.д.; what can I show you, madam? что вам угодно, мадам? (в магазине, ателье и т.п.); show smb. the way показывать кому-л. дорогу, объяснять кому-л., как пройти; show smb. the way to town (to the village, to the station, etc.) объяснять /показывать/ кому-л., как пройти в город и т.д.; show smb. the way to learn languages (to master the art, to achieve one's ends, etc.) объяснять кому-л., как изучать языки и т.д.; show smb. the door указать кому-л. на дверь id I could show him a thing or two coll. я могу ему кое-что показать
    2) show smb. kindness (great favour, indifference, etc.) проявлять доброту и т.д. по отношению к кому-л.; he showed me great sympathy when I was in trouble он проявил ко мне большее участие, когда я попал в беду
    6. VII
    show smb. to be smb. show smb. to be a rascal (to be a coward, etc.) показать /доказать/, что кто-л. подлец и т.д.; show smb. how to do smth. show smb. how to operate this machine (how to draw a chart, etc.) показать кому-л., как работать на этой машине и т.д.; show me how to read (how to write, how to do the problem, etc.) научи меня читать и т.д.; show smb. what to do показать кому-л. /научать кого-л. /, что делать
    7. XI
    1) be shown to smb. I won't believe it unless it's shown to me я не поверю, пока мне этого не покажут; be shown (on) smth. the roads are shown in red дороги обозначены красным; as shown in the illustration (in the table, in the graph, in the statement above, etc.) как показано на рисунке и т.д.; the place shown on the map место, указанное на карте; machine shown in section машина, показанная в разрезе
    2) be shown (in)to (out of) smth. I was shown into the room меня провели в комнату; I was shown to the gates меня проводили до ворот; he was shown out of the office его выпроводили из кабинета; be shown over (round, through) smth. the visitors were shown all over (round) the city приезжих водили по (всему) городу: I was shown through the rooms of the hotel мне показали номера гостиницы
    3) be shown in some manner that... it can easily be shown that... нетрудно доказать, что...
    8. XV
    show to be in some state the house shows white from here отсюда дом выглядит белым; oil paintings show best at a distance картины маслом лучше смотреть на расстоянии
    9. XVI
    show from some place show from the top of the mountain (from a great distance, from here, etc.) виднеться /быть видным/ с вершины горы и т.д.; show through (above, below, etc.) smth. show through the fog (through the trees, above the wood, below the water, etc.) быть видным /виднеться/ сквозь туман и т.д.; the veins show under the skin вены просвечивают через кожу; show on smth. the buds are already showing on the trees на деревьях появились почки || show in smb.'s face /in smb.'s expression/ отражаться на лице; anger showed in his face на его лице отразился /был написан/ гнев
    10. XVIII
    1) show oneself after the play the audience called for the author to show himself по окончании спектакля публика потребовала, чтобы вышел автор; the sun has shown itself above the horizon солнце появилось над горизонтом
    2) show oneself as being of some quality show oneself cruel (generous, very friendly, etc.) проявить жестокость и т.д.; show oneself smb. show oneself a first-rate leader проявить себя первоклассным организатором; show oneself a practical man доказать свою практичность; show oneself a coward показывать свою трусость; he showed himself as accommodating as possible он доказал свою необыкновенную сговорчивость; show oneself to be smth. he showed himself to be unreliable он показал себя ненадежным человеком
    11. XIX1
    show like smth. show like a disk (like a small dot, etc.) казаться /выглядеть/ диском и т.д.; the building shows from here like a dark streak отсюда здание кажется темной полосой
    12. XX1
    show as smth. the yacht only shows as a dot on the skyline яхта кажется всего лишь точкой на горизонте
    13. XXI1
    1) show smth. on (at, in, etc.) smth. show a place on a map (a face on a picture, appoint on a diagram, etc.) показывать место на карте и т.д.; show one's flowers at a flower-show (specimens of fruit and vegetables at an annual show, pictures at the Academy, goods in a window, butterflies in glass cases, etc.) выставлять свой цветы на выставке и т.д.; what are they showing at the theatre? что идет в театре?; show the way to smth. show the way to the theatre (to the centre of the city, etc.) указать дорогу к театру и т.д., рассказать /объяснить/, как пройти к театру и т.д.; the signpost shows the way to London указатель показывает дорогу на Лондон; show smth. to smb. show the picture to all his friends (your tongue to the doctor, etc.) показывать картину всем его друзьям и т.д.; have you shown this to anyone? вы это кому-нибудь показывали?
    2) show smb. into (out of) smth. show him into the room (the visitor into his den, the man out of his study, etc.) проводить его в комнату и т.д.; show smb. to some place show the man to the door (to the gate, to the exit, etc.) проводить человека до двери /дверей/ и т.д.; show smb. to his seat проводить кого-л. на место; show smb. over (all over, round) smth. show smb. [all] over the house (round the plant, over the ship, round the city, etc.) показать кому-л. дом и т.д., водить кого-л. по дому и т.д.
    3) show smth. for (towards, with, at) smth., smb. show a taste for work (a liking for music, affection for the child, respect for him, sympathy with the girl, hatred towards the enemy, jealousy towards her husband, etc.) проявлять вкус к работе и т.д.; show admiration for smb. выражать восхищение [перед] кем-л.; show regard /consideration/ for smb. считаться с кем-л., проявлять уважение к кому-л.; show displeasure at smb.'s appearance (no emotion at their words, etc.) обнаруживать /показывать/ неудовольствие при чьем-л. появлении и т.д.; he showed his pleasure at the news новость его явно обрадовала; show smth. in smth., smb. show zeal in one's work (interest in her brother, etc.) проявлять рвение в работе и т.д. || show mercy on smb. проявлять милосердие /сострадание/ к кому-л., щадить кого-л.
    4) show smth. in smth. show a rise in temperature (a fall in prices, etc.) показывать повышение температуры и т.д.; this shows a decline in prosperity это служит показателем понижения уровня благосостояния; the chart shows a rise in birthrates диаграмма показывает прирост /увеличение/ рождаемости; show smth. between smth. show the relation between smth. and smth. обнаруживать отношение /связь/ между чем-л. и чем-л.; the experiment shows the relation between work and heat эксперимент подтверждает /указывает на/ существование связи между работой и тепловой энергией
    14. XXV
    1) show what... (how..., etc.) we will show what he was doing мы покажем, что он делал; the diagram shows how this device works диаграмма объясняет, как работает это устройство he showed that he was annoyed no нему было видно, что он недоволен
    2) show that... (why..., how..., etc.) show that it is true (that it is silly, why he needed the book, how false it was, how much he felt it, etc.) доказывать /объяснять/, что это правда и т.д.; it only shows how little you know (that I was right, that you were not telling the truth, etc.) это только говорит о том, как вы мало знаете и т.д.; that /it/ goes to show that... это свидетельствует о том, что...; nothing seemed to show that he was guilty ничто, казалось, не указывало на его виновность XXIV show me what you have in your bag покажите, что у вас в сумке

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > show

  • 6 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) explícito
    - explicitness
    1 explícito,-a
    explicit [ɪk'splɪsət, ɛk-] adj
    : explícito, claro, categórico, rotundo
    explicitly adv
    explícito, -a adj.
    ɪk'splɪsət, ɪk'splɪsɪt
    adjective explícito; <denial/refutation> categórico, rotundo

    she was quite explicit on this pointfue muy explícita or categórica en cuanto a ese punto

    ADJ [instructions, reference, intention] explícito, claro; [description, picture] gráfico; [statement, denial] categórico

    he was explicit about his intentionsfue explícito or claro acerca de sus intenciones

    * * *
    [ɪk'splɪsət, ɪk'splɪsɪt]
    adjective explícito; <denial/refutation> categórico, rotundo

    she was quite explicit on this pointfue muy explícita or categórica en cuanto a ese punto

    English-spanish dictionary > explicit

  • 7 explicit

    (stated in detail) ausführlich; (openly expressed) offen; unverhüllt; (definite) klar; ausdrücklich [Zustimmung, Erwähnung]
    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) deutlich, endeutig
    - academic.ru/86824/explicitly">explicitly
    - explicitness
    * * *
    [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt, ekˈ-]
    1. (precise) klar, deutlich; agreement, consent, order ausdrücklich
    could you please be more \explicit? könnten Sie bitte etwas deutlicher werden?
    she made no \explicit mention of her plans sie erwähnte ihre Pläne nicht ausdrücklich
    \explicit directions klare Anweisungen
    to be \explicit about sth etw offen [o unverhohlen] aussprechen
    2. (detailed) eindeutig; (with sexual details) eindeutig; film, picture, sex freizügig; pornography unverhüllt
    * * *
    person, statement, description (klar und) deutlich; orders eindeutig; instructions, commitment, agreement, support, reference ausdrücklich; (esp sexually) details, description, picture, photograph eindeutig

    in explicit detailin allen Einzelheiten

    there is no explicit mention of ites wird nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt

    speaking to MPs, he was more explicit — als er zu den Abgeordneten sprach, ging er näher darauf ein

    he was very explicit in his explanations —

    she was quite explicit in discussing details of the operationsie diskutierte die Einzelheiten der Operation in aller Deutlichkeit

    * * *
    explicit [ıkˈsplısıt] adj (adv explicitly)
    1. ausdrücklich, deutlich, bestimmt
    2. ausführlich
    3. a) offen, deutlich ( beide:
    about, on in Bezug auf akk) (Person)
    b) freizügig (Film etc)
    4. MATH explizit (Funktion)
    * * *
    (stated in detail) ausführlich; (openly expressed) offen; unverhüllt; (definite) klar; ausdrücklich [Zustimmung, Erwähnung]
    * * *
    ausdrücklich adj.
    deutlich adj.
    explizit adj.

    English-german dictionary > explicit

  • 8 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) tydelig, uttrykkelig, bestemt
    - explicitness
    adj. \/ɪkˈsplɪsɪt\/, \/ekˈsplɪsɪt\/
    1) tydelig, klar, bestemt, eksplisitt, uttrykkelig
    is this what you call explicit knowledge?
    2) ( om person e.l.) åpen, uforbeholden, likefrem
    be explicit uttrykke seg tydelig
    couldn't you be a little more explicit?

    English-Norwegian dictionary > explicit

  • 9 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) skÿr, skilmerkilegur, greinargóður
    - explicitness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > explicit

  • 10 explicit

    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) világos, kifejezett
    - explicitness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > explicit

  • 11 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) explícito
    - explicitness
    * * *
    [ikspl'isit] adj 1 explícito, claro, nítido, distinto. 2 franco, sincero.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > explicit

  • 12 explicit

    adj. açık, belirgin, aşikâr, belli, açık sözlü
    * * *
    1. açık 2. kesin
    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) açık
    - explicitness

    English-Turkish dictionary > explicit

  • 13 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) jasen
    - explicitness
    * * *
    adjective ( explicitly adverb)
    izréčen, jasen, nedvoumen, določen

    English-Slovenian dictionary > explicit

  • 14 explicit

    • nimenomainen
    • ilmeinen
    • havainnollinen
    • eksplisiittinen
    • erityinen
    • täsmällinen nimenomainen
    • täsmällinen
    • tietty
    • kategorinen
    • selvä
    • selvästi ilmaistu
    • selkeä
    • tarkka
    • ymmärrettävä
    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) selvä
    - explicitness

    English-Finnish dictionary > explicit

  • 15 explicit

    1) (precise) [ instructions] esplicito, preciso
    2) (open) [ denial] netto; [ aim] esplicito, dichiarato

    sexually explicit — [ film] che mostra in modo esplicito scene di sesso

    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) esplicito
    - explicitness
    * * *
    explicit /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/
    1 esplicito; preciso; chiaro: explicit instructions, istruzioni precise; to make st. explicit, rendere esplicito qc.; esplicitare qc.; dire chiaramente qc.
    2 chiaro; franco: to be quite explicit about st., essere molto franco su qc.
    3 netto; reciso; categorico: an explicit refusal, un rifiuto categorico
    4 (= sexually explicit) (di sesso) esplicito; ( di film, ecc.) che contiene scene di sesso
    explicitly avv. explicitness n. [u].
    * * *
    1) (precise) [ instructions] esplicito, preciso
    2) (open) [ denial] netto; [ aim] esplicito, dichiarato

    sexually explicit — [ film] che mostra in modo esplicito scene di sesso

    English-Italian dictionary > explicit

  • 16 explicit

    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) wyraźny, jasny
    - explicitness

    English-Polish dictionary > explicit

  • 17 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) skaidri formulēts
    - explicitness
    * * *
    precīzi formulēts, skaidri izteikts

    English-Latvian dictionary > explicit

  • 18 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) aiškus, apibrėžtas
    - explicitness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > explicit

  • 19 explicit

    adj. tydlig
    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) tydlig, uttrycklig, explicit
    - explicitness

    English-Swedish dictionary > explicit

  • 20 explicit

    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) jasný; otevřený
    - explicitness
    * * *
    • určitý
    • výslovný
    • neskrývaný

    English-Czech dictionary > explicit

См. также в других словарях:

  • Fully — Ful ly, adv. In a full manner or degree; completely; entirely; without lack or defect; adequately; satisfactorily; as, to be fully persuaded of the truth of a proposition. [1913 Webster] {Fully committed} (Law), committed to prison for trial, in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fully committed — Fully Ful ly, adv. In a full manner or degree; completely; entirely; without lack or defect; adequately; satisfactorily; as, to be fully persuaded of the truth of a proposition. [1913 Webster] {Fully committed} (Law), committed to prison for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fully — index fairly (clearly), in toto, wholly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • fully — Amply; sufficiently; clearly; distinctly. Riley v State (Miss) 18 So 117, 118 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Tathagatagarbha doctrine — In Mahayana and Tantric Buddhism, the Tathāgatagarbha (如來藏) doctrine (often essentially the same as the Buddha nature concept) teaches that each sentient being contains the intrinsic, effulgent Buddhic element or indwelling potency for becoming a …   Wikipedia

  • Holy Ghost — • The doctrine of the Catholic Church concerning the Holy Ghost forms an integral part of her teaching on the mystery of the Holy Trinity Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Holy Ghost     Holy Ghost …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Vakya Vritti — Vakya VrittiBy Adi Shankaracharya, 788 820 CE,Translated by Swami ChinmayanandaPublished by Chinmaya Mission, Mumbai An Exhaustive Explanation of the Upanishadic Mahaavaakya“That Thou Art” [Tat Twam Asi] 1. I bow down to that Pure Consciousness… …   Wikipedia

  • BRUNELLESCHI, Filippo — (c. 1377 1446)    Filippo Brunelleschi, traditionally considered the founder of early Renaissance architecture in Italy, trained as a goldsmith in Florence and gained an understanding of architecture while studying classical buildings in Rome.… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • explicit — explicitly, adv. explicitness, n. /ik splis it/, adj. 1. fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal: explicit instructions; an explicit act of violence; explicit language. 2. clearly developed or… …   Universalium

  • explicit — ex•plic•it [[t]ɪkˈsplɪs ɪt[/t]] adj. 1) fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied: explicit instructions[/ex] 2) clearly developed or formulated: explicit intent[/ex] 3) unreserved in expression; outspoken: explicit language[/ex] 4)… …   From formal English to slang

  • Graphics — (from Greek gr. ; see graphy) are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, computer screen, paper, or stone to brand, inform, illustrate, or entertain. Examples are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams,… …   Wikipedia

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